Hey, BlastBeats! I finally found time to drop a review...
I'm inspiring now? :O Wow
One look at those chord progressions, and I'm totally sold XD Listening to the song, the composition is definitely as complex as that description let on! Unique and interesting harmonies fill this piece, and although a few chords sound off and a couple might be improvable (ex: Am in the end of the chorus would probably be better as an A), I was generally impressed by what I heard. Also, that's a lot of diminished chords in the breakdown :O I'm not quite sure what that unknown chord is, but it seems to function like a D#m.
I'd say the big emphasis of this track was story telling... my mind is having trouble painting a good picture (what can I say, I'm not a writer), but its definitely evident that there was heart poured into the piece - some deep emotions definitely went into its design! That, at least, is clear. Good job!
Constructive criticism, huh? My biggest concern is the master here... it's just more sort of "distant" than I would have liked. How do I describe it? It kinda sounds like everything was dampened... every sound is missing a sort of directness, for sure, but I can't quite pinpoint what's causing the issue. Maybe it's the bass? Maybe it's the mid? I can't tell :/
The drums kind of sound like they don't fit... this song is rather ambient in nature, but the drums sound like they were designed for a rock song. Maybe you could have gone for something mellower, maybe involving light bongos and various other, less meaty percussive textures?
Anyway, that's what I've got for you! Thanks for the role of inspiration, you did a good job! Maybe increased variation and a better master would help this track achieve its full potential, but as it stands, the composition is complex and awesome - truly a track worthy of telling its story! 9/10, 5/5 :)