Oh, perfect! You showed in up in R4R. I really want a Walkaround R4R :D
As far as I know, this is what you consider your best piece right now. Correct me if I'm wrong. There's are some really good reasons for you to believe that, and although I don't share the same opinion, it would be shameful of me to deny the excellence present here. So let's get started.
I'm always impressed with how you can create cohesive tracks without an extremely graph-able structure. What does that mean? My tracks tend to follow some sort of verse-chorus-verse etc structure, sort of like there's always this down section here and then I build up and there's a distinct drop here and then it goes back down and then builds back up to another drop and then goes back down again. But you create cohesive sections that don't smoothly fall into any of these categories of verses and choruses, rather it mostly just feels like freelance wherever you want the track to go. And yet the intensity still flows smoothly. One of the things I'm most looking forward to seeing in our collab is how you'll execute this flow in our thing :)
Also, after mistmurk mentioned basslines, I'm beginning to notice more and more how good they are. My basslines tend to be super generic, so I'm giving you props here, too.
Great percussion free-styling at 3:30
I do feel like the track is missing something in terms of chordal variation - you mentioned in the description that every chord has its base in a major 7th chord. While I like the intentional decision at first, over 7 minutes of the same type of chord over and over struggles to stay harmonically intriguing, even if you switch up the upper harmonics enough.
Have you ever tried parallel harmonizing a lead in a solo? I do it pretty often and it's a great way to thicken a thinner lead sound like the one you primarily use in this piece. This moment in 1:56 would be a great place to add in that harmony. Preferably in thirds. Or maybe sixths.
Also, the outro felt a bit unsettled in a way. Don't know why, don't know how to describe it. :/
And... I guess that'll be my review :) Fantastic work on this track, although 2 is still my favorite thing from you <3